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Biblical Wizards

The Hebrew race was, and still is, a race of master wizards.  Through the recorded history of the Bible, consistently this race wielded power when they made an alignment with the Creative Love force (to them, known as Yahweh) and how they were weakened and vulnerable when they broke from this alignment and tried to "go it alone."  Their environment was harsh and unyielding, yet through their tribal lineage and their adherence to their legal and social codes as dictated to them by their God, they managed to thrive and become a mighty nation in the ancient world.


The second-youngest son of Jacob, Joseph was a talented shaman with the ability to both vision-quest and to interpret dreams. For this he gained both his father's love and his brother's intense jealousy, and was sold into slavery in Egypt. His shamanic talents proved his and his family's salvation, for in his accurate interpretation of Pharaoh's (believed now to be Amenhotep III) dream and his accurate prediction of the years of famine that was to plague Egypt, he won not only his freedom, but was raised to a position of high honor, becoming the first vizier in recorded history. His hard-won efforts eventually reunited his family and through his father Jacob, initiated the twelve tribes of Israel.


The brother of Moses, Aaron was a master thaumaturge who worked the many miracles and feats that Moses channeled from the Creative source. Most of these were related to gaining the freedom of the Hebrews from their Egyptian oppressors under Pharaoh Rameses II. As Moses' second-in-command, Aaron fulfilled perfectly the role of vizier to his brother. He was not without fault, though, as he caved in to the Israelite's demands for an idol to worship (the Golden Calf) while Moses was receiving the ten commandments on Mount Sinai, and both he and Moses fell in Yahweh's sight for losing patience with their God in the desert. Aaron's became the first High Priest of the Israelites, and his tribe, the Levites, were regularly consecrated for the priesthood.


After Moses' death, he entrusted the leadership of the Israelites to the druid Joshua. He commanded an incredible amount of power over the forces of nature, which he used to great benefit for the claiming of the Promised Land. Through a concentrated magical force, both using sound and synchronized marching over a fault line, his armies caused a minor earthquake that shook down the walls of Jericho. Later, he was even purported to be able to effect the flow of time, in that "the Sun and the Moon stood still" during the battle of Gibeon. This Biblical passage has created a great deal of consternation among scholars who still try to determine its authenticity. 


The mystic Samuel held the position of being the last of the great Hebrew judges and the first of the prophets of the old testament. He was, among other things, a clairvoyant and an empath, whose deep sensitivity helped him to forge a direct connection to the Divine Source. He is considered to be one of the greatest of the Hebrew prophets and leaders, and acted as vizier to King Saul, whom he anointed, and as a mentor to David, who would eventually replace Saul as king. After Samuel's death, he was called back into being through necromantic means by Saul, using the witch of Endor as a channel, and severely rebuked Saul and foretold his downfall and defeat at the hands of David.


Both Elias (Elijah) and his apprentice Elisa (Elisha) were great wizards; yet Elisha's workings became far greater known than that of his master, who was transcended into the 4th dimension in a fiery chariot. Elisha became known as a powerful thaumaturge, who performed miracles of transmutation and transformation of matter, including multiplication of supplies and resources, neutralization of poisoned waters, reviving the dead, and divination. He is also said to have commanded the the beasts of the forest (two bears) to devour the youths who were accosting him.


Other than Jesu himself, Solomon stands as the greatest wizard of the ancient traditions; his methods and rituals still studied to this day by alchemists and adepts. An adept himself, Solomon was noted for his extraordinary wisdom, granted by his God, He is the only wizard in the Hebrew tradition to have ascended to the station of kingship; most wizards do not seek such positions of influence. 

Solomon was, among other things, an astronomer and astrologer, and regularly practiced alchemy as well as adeptship. Many of the alchemical glyphs and seals he rendered are studied by magical practitioners to this day. Solomon was able to command the Djinn (Genies) and is purported to have "bottled" the first Djinn in service. He was able to cast out demons, including Asmodeus, and is said to have bound the archdemons Gog and Magog to their pits with the use of magical devices. He is also responsible for the building of the temple of Jerusalem, and is known among the Freemasons as "The Master Builder."


The shaman Daniel was a dream-interpreter much like Joseph (see above) and also spoke with angels (discarnate beings) as an intermediary between Man and the Heavenly Host. He served as vizier to  Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon, his son Baalthazar, and to the Medic king Darius I. Daniel's ability to divine caused him to be a spokesman for the future, not to the present generation, and for this reason Judaism does not recognized Daniel as a prophet, although Christianity does. Among his other feats was surviving a night in a den of savage lions. 


The most influential wizard that ever walked the face of this earth, indisputably, would be Jesu (Jesus), son of Mary and Joseph, the one hailed as the Messiah, who stationed the energies of the Christ Spirit and brought a message of peace and love to the Earth, as well as provided a blueprint by which mankind could extricate himself from the "maze" of karma and begin the process of ascension.  No other wizard has been more revered and more misunderstood.  He is reputed to have wept often for humanity, for he knew that eventually his words would be twisted and perverted and turned against him and the message of love that he brought to the world.  Like most all wizards, he was a sensualist; he loved good food and wine, the company of his friends, and being comfortable (and he could be peevish when awakened suddenly).  He could be impatient, and was NOT perfect even though he was stationing a Divine Spirit; as evidenced of his blasting the unproductive fig tree or his driving the merchants out of the Temple of Jerusalem. 

Jesus never spoke of abstinence, but of fulfillment of the true potential of humanity.  "All these things that I have done, you can do and even more," he repeatedly told those who followed him, indicating that the power of Love and Creation was open to all, not just to a select few.  His statement, "I and the Father are one," was not referring to his being a Deity, but his Divine alignment with the Creative Love source, the cosmic All.  "No man comes to the father except by me," was in reference to the Christ Spirit, the great Light Body of Humanity, the source of all Love.  In short, no one can approach the Creative source except through the energies of See-La-Aum, the essence of Love. 

The wizard Jesus did NOT die for the sins of humanity, although the sacrifice he undertook did much to halt and clean up the acceleration of karmic debt that humanity was incurring..  In a dramatic measure, he undertook the torture of crucifixion as an ancient pagan ritual of the sacrifice of the Sacred King; in which the king's blood falls onto the earth to bring it new life.  The Crucifixion was indicative of the 4th spiritual initiation, in which all is stripped from the individual and they become a point of consciousness, their own "I AM."  The ascension took place 40 days after he reappeared to his disciples; again, a dramatic portrayal of the ascension process that humanity as a whole is now approaching.

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Update: 08.10.2009