The Fall

"For we've been living so long on a star,
Dreaming of a time we were free,
So many years ago,
Before the time when we first heard,
'Welcome to the Home by the Sea...'"
--GENESIS, "Home by the Sea"--

Pandemonium broke out on the 4th-dimensional Earth.  Atlantis turned its instruments of creation to weapons of destruction and began to wage war on the continents of Lemuria and Hyperboria.  The regeneratory crystals were turned into focal points of "death rays", which brought about the total demise of Hyperboria and a decimation of the continent Lemuria.  The effects were so devastating upon the balance of Earth's ecosystem that they destroyed the Firmament, a layer of crystals just outside the Earth's atmosphere that shielded the Earth and its inhabitants from Cosmic Radiation.  The Earth flooded, shifted its magnetic axis, and the dimensional level began to plummet from the 4th dimension, imploding, into the 3rd dimension, like a house of cards being flattened.

The dimensional "fall" had numerous effects.  First, the Antakarana, the "rainbow bridge" of allegory, connecting the two great principals of humanity, Selah (the Devic form of humanity), and See-La-Aum (the Spirit form of humanity), "broke" from the collapse.  Once possessing a cellular DNA systems of 12 strands (the physical medium for the Antakarana to manifest), Humanity lost all but two of these due to the radiation exposure.  Thus was humanity was cast adrift from the Hierarchy, and could no longer consciously contact Spirit because the connection was broken, like a faulty cable. 

Because parts of the Devic kingdom (the intelligences of Form) was caught in the dimensional shift, they too plummeted.  The Devic Lords of the Photonic (Light) realm and Hydraulic (Water) realm plunged into 3rd dimensional reality.  The Hydraulic realm, governed by the great deva Azrael, remained intact.  The Photonic realm, governed by the deva known as Lucefiel, split under the dimensional pressures, riven into two subrealms:  that of the Caustic (Fire, where Lord Lucefiel was embodied), and that of the Subrotic (Earth, headed by another deva, Lord Ahrimael, which is actually a bifucated aspect of Lucefiel).  The Lord of the Celestial (Air) Realm, Gabriel, retained his position in 4th dimensional reality and did NOT fall, although a portion of the Celestial did enter 3rd dimensional "consciousness".  One can easily see that Lucifiel, a.k.a Lucifer, became equated with Satan, although Satan is the term for the Cosmic Negativity that was stationed in Atlantis, and, on the rest of Earth.  Lucifer was called "The Devil" (the word "devil" is actually the singular case of the plural "deva") and was blamed for having brought about the fall.

Why was Lucifiel, the deva of Light (the Photonic), blamed for the fall?  The Photonic realm is the elemental realm of pure magical substance, where creation is rendered.  As custodian of the Photonic, Lucifiel was blamed for allowing the creation of abominations on Earth and thus rebelling against the Divine Plan.  Lucifiel, however, was NOT responsible for what had occurred...the devas were, and still are, responsible ONLY for the form, not for its consequences...that was the jurisdiction of humanity.  The second reason is, because Lucifiel was custodian of the Photonic realm, Lucifiel also served as the deva of Wizards.  The bulk of Humanity blamed the wizards for having brought in the devastation, and indeed, many dark adepts participated in the "fall", but the Wizard race was not the only one participating in the "fall", nor did they initiate it.

With the splitting of the Photonic, the race of Wizards split as well into two races:  that of the Wizards (still headed by Lucifiel and under the realm of Fire) and of Priests (headed by Ahrimael and under the realm of Earth).  The color of the Photonic split as well; the pure Green of the Photonic split into the Green of Fire (physical light), and the Yellow of Earth (physical pigment).  This is why the primary colors of physical (3D) Light (red, green, and blue) differ from the primary colors of physical pigment (red, yellow, and blue).  Yellow became the color of the Priest and of the element Earth.

The most interesting point, however, occurred in the nature of the fall itself.  With well over 90% of humanity creating under the "Great Lie" rather than the Divine Plan at the time of the "fall", the extraordinary powers of manifestation of humanity CREATED THE GREAT LIE IN THE THIRD DIMENSION.  Every last precept of the Lie was rendered in the prison of the 3rd dimension, which came to be known as "Physical Dense".   The pure 3rd dimension, to this day, consists of a world in which: 

  • Creation is limited to the 5 physical senses
  • Overstimulation of sensation is the only way that growth may occur
  • All forms have a definite beginning and an inevitable end (thus the illusion of "death" and the creation of the false construct of linear time)
  • Forms are created and destroyed with little or no regards of consequence
  • Resources are scarce and finite
  • All beings are separate and pitted against each other (regard Darwin's law of evolution; perfectly accurate in a pure 3D world, but hopelessly inadequate in the realm of Spirit)
  • Individual expression has been, for the most part, crushed by the group "mentality", rendering individual effort in pure 3D as futile and virtually nonexistent.
This is the world WE created, as humanity.  We, with our full powers and abilities to manifest anything we wished in Free Will, chose to manifest the Great Lie into reality and make it our own reality.  There is no blame to be assigned here.  No red-tailed "devil" running around tempting us.  No external beings "caused" us to manifest this scenario, even through the situation was highly influenced by external forces which had no business being in the Earth Experiment. 

We have been trapped in the prison of our own creation for the past 25,000 years.  This period of time equates to the "Great Year", the full cycle of the precession of the equinoxes.  Time as it stands exists only in the third-dimensional mind; a mere construct of the 4th-dimensional aspect of Motion (full range, not unidirectional as "Time" is.)  The motion has come full cycle, and we as humanity are presented with the opportunity to restore ourselves to our "true" reality.  (We are already beginning to do so, as we are now incorporating much into our creations beyond what can be preceived by mere 3rd-dimensional reality.)

There is no need to recapitulate what has occurred in our 25000-year sojourn in the third dimension.  Much has already been written on that.  The need now is to focus on how to rewrite that which was written so long ago.  The first step in doing that is taking responsibility for our part in the creation of the 3D "reality"...without guilt, blame, or fear.   It serves us nothing to point fingers at others now.  It serves nothing to identify the original "culprits" of the Atlantean society that stationed the Cosmic Negativity.  (It's an exercise in futility, since we've been in and out of so many different racial forms and types that we have become as Dr. Seuss' "Sneeches", forgetting which of us originally had the stars on our bellies and which ones didn't.  All of us are responsible for our own creations, regardless of what religion and society tells us.   Taking charge of our own creations is the first step in the reclamation of the 4th dimension; the process that we now call "Ascension."