The Journey Home

"And I know without a doubt
My heart will lead me there soon,
And we'll meet, I know we'll meet beyond the shore
And we'll kiss just as before,
Happy we'll be beyond the sea,
And never again will I go sail, sailin'..."

-- from "BEYOND THE SEA",  popularized by the late Bobby Darin--

As stated previously, taking responsibility for one's creations is the first step to mastering the Form nature and escaping the prison of the third dimension.  The devic beings, far from hindering us, have been steadily working all along to help bring this about as well. 

How then can we, all of us, wizards (priests are really wizards, remember), warriors, and thieves bring this about?  As it was the Lie that trapped us, it is the dissolution of the Lie that will free us.  It is stated that "the Truth shall make us free."  It is difficult to apply Cosmic Truth in a world that was fashioned on a Lie so thoroughly that the Truth seemingly goes against provable "reality", even though that reality is an illusion. 

The process of Ascension, otherwise known as The Final Conflict, is not a physical war, nor the Armageddon that has been predicted for the "End Times."  It is a battle that rages in every one of us on Earth at this time, as we struggle to reclaim that which we lost.  It is a battle fought on the Mental Plane, the one pure plane available for us to use to pull ourselves back to 4th-dimensional consciousness.

Throughout the 3D cycle of incarnations, there have been "great ones" who have come in solely to demonstrate that the Lie is an illusion, and to point out the Truth inherent in the Creative Process.  These "great ones" have no greater power than we ourselves do, yet, because they were able to pierce the illusion of the Lie and display the Truth, they were wrongly venerated as gods rather than their message being heeded.  Who were they?  Moses, for one.  Jesus, for another.  Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), Lao Tzu, Merlin, Albert Einstein, and scores of others too numerous to mention.  The saddest thing is that those who continue to support the pseudo-reality of the Lie created cults of personality around these figures to obscure the message they brought in.

What is this Universal message of Truth?  It was the inverse of the Lie, based on the following precepts:

  • Humanity has the power to render conscious creation using any resource available, not limited to the five phyiscal senses.
  • The resources of Spirit are limitless and free for anyone to use.
  • Creation under the Divine Plan is the only true creation that can exist.  The idea of creating outside of the Divine Plan is illusory, and thus cannot exist.
  • There is only one Will; separative wills are an illusion.  Within that one Will are an infinite multitude of individual expressions.
  • Every individual expression is treasured in the heart and mind of Spirit.
  • One is responsible for one's own creations and their consequences.
  • Evolution and Life is infinite.  The concept of finiteness is unknown to Spirit.
It is the avowal of these precepts, even in the face of seemingly unflappable illusionary "reality", that will allow us to escape the third-dimensional world and return to the realm of the 4th dimension, our true home.  Nothing that has ever been rendered in this world using only the 3D consciousness has ever amounted to anything.  All concepts and creations of this world that have lasted are the ones infused with Truth and made in the 4th-dimensional consciousness.

The following affirmation will help pierce the illusion of the Lie and station the Truth:

"I am a conscious Soul incarnate in lesson 
and a Divine expression of Spirit.
I have the power to co-create my own reality, with Spirit, 
in the Divine Plan.
There are unlimited resources at my disposal.
I am ultimately responsible for my creations.
My Will is that of Spirit; my expression of Will is my own.
I am equal with all other members of humanity.
I, like Spirit, am Infinite.  I have no beginning nor end. 
I simply exist.  I AM."

All of Humanity has the ability and desire to render conscious creation in their world.  It is up to the individual to make the choice to align with the Divine Will in Active Intelligence and render conscious creation, aligned with Spirit, in his or her own reality.  There are those who will still try to breach the Divine Plan and enslave us in darkenss again, but their efforst will be unsuccessful.  We are no longer the children we were in Atlantis.  We are not helpless, but strong and able.  It is up to us to create the Reality that will bring this world, this Blessed World beyond all others, into the destiny it has earned the right to claim:  the Ascension of Earth into the Realm of All Possible Realities.   Then the elemental realms will again unite into their ultimate expressions of Light (Photonic), Love (Hydraulic), and Power (Celestial), and then shall Selah and See-La-Aum be once again united as one.  What greater glory can there be?

The future of Earth is ours, as it has always been.  It's time for us to claim it.